Thursday, April 13, 2017

Download Ring 1.6 APK for Android

Ring.apk 1.6
Name: ring.apk
ID: com.robertoconterosito.ring
Version: 1.6
Size: 0.2 Mb

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Ring Details

Has it ever happened to you either to say “When I ring you, come” or, on the contrary “When you get home ring me”? If yes, Ring is the right application for you! Do you know that in the exact moment in which you activate the phone call, until the first ring does not start, your brain absorbs many of the radiations because of the connection to the network? Thanks to Ring you will no more worry about nearing the mobile to your hear and waiting the call to be activated to make the mobile of someone else’s ring, the application takes care of everything! Moreover, no need to adapt to something new; this is an app thought to be fitting with your habits and it does not want you to adapt to a new way of using the device. If you use an Android phone, you are for sure used to the functioning of “Contacts Management” available on any device. Ring intervenes precisely here: for each contact it adds a new option that allows you to enter very quickly the call functionality, mode “Ring”. Its functioning is very simple; when you install and open Ring for the first time the app automatically takes care of configuring everything necessary for its working. Then, you simply have to continue using your mobile as usual and, whenever necessary, you can make someone else’s phone ring in a very easy way: through your telephone book. Do you usually use quick connections for the most important contacts on your device’s Home? Thanks to Ring everything is ready; you simply have to click on one of your old contacts and you will find an option ready to make the ring very quickly! As already states, the app fits your habits and not the contrary! When you install and activate Ring for the first time, the app accesses your contact list, it looks for all contacts to whom one or more telephone numbers are morized and it automatically adds to the list an option through which you can very quickly make a ring to your friend. It absolutely does not use your contacts for any other scope and as a guarantee of this, it does not require any access to the Web. The app allows you to have a greater control on what happens to manage your telephone book. Ring is configured as a service and periodically, according to some precise rules, it checks the contact list to see if any number has been inserted or deleted so that it can set up again the connections. The following list is a brief description of the panel options: - Last Synchronization: It indicates the exact date in which the latest update took place. - Synchronize: It allows you to make an update of your contacts. Notice: It is an option through which you can decide if you want to get notices when there are planned synchronizations of your contacts. If you activate a synchronization, you can close the app whenever you want. If the Option “Notice” is activated, you will get a notice when the operation is completed, otherwise the system will provide the completion of the process without warning you at the end.

What's new in Ring 1.6

Release v1.6 - 31.03.2013 - Add Multilanguage Release v1.5 - 27.03.2013 - Solved problems with duplicated contacts. - Solved problems with custom labels.
Ring | 99 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download Ring 1.6 APK

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